Manston Reception Centre

Closes 1 Oct 2024

Opened 11 Sep 2024


The Home Office is seeking the views of local residents and owners of businesses and property on planning proposals to upgrade the infrastructure at the Manston Reception Centre. 

Since 2021, the Home Office has been operating a reception and processing centre, based at the former RAF base in Manston, for people arriving by small boat and there are no plans to change its use.

However, we do intend to upgrade the current temporary infrastructure, to provide a more efficient and fit for purpose processing centre, next to the area currently in-use on the Manston site, with protection of the local community’s safety given the same high priority as now. 

The Home Office will be seeking planning permission for this work, with the planning route still to be determined. We are seeking feedback on the planning proposal from you as residents, and owners of businesses and property in the surrounding area, so that we can review these before the proposal is finalised.  

The map below shows the location of the proposed development within the boundary of the former RAF base: 

This is an interactive map.

This map illustrates the former Manston RAF base and the proposed site of the Manston Reception Centre.


To help you understand our plans, further information is available in the document below:
Please note, the link opens in a new window.

Share your views

You can provide feedback on the plans by completing the feedback form below, which is open from 11/09/2024 until 01/10/2024.

Have your say